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waqas's avatar
Active Member
2 months ago

Connected content making 2 calls

I have this connected-content in email template; but when I send out, its always making two POST API calls; I'm adding customers in a list in a survey module and every time my canvas sends out email; it adds customers twice.
Is there any way to prevent this?


{% capture payload %}
    "contactDetails": "{{${email_address}}}"
{% endcapture %}
{% connected_content 
   {{ url }}
   :method POST
   :headers {
     "Content-Type": "application/json",
     "X-API-KEY": "xxx"
   :body {{payload}}
   :content_type application/json
   :save add_response


  • waqas's avatar
    Active Member

    Hej Manoj__ . thank you very much for reply; it makes sense but its Braze default text verison generation; do you know how can I disable the call on text template.

    • Manoj__'s avatar
      Specialist II

      You can manually remove the contents of the text version from email.

  • Manoj__'s avatar
    Specialist II

    Hey waqas  My assumption is you have the same connected content code in the text version of the email which is making the second call.