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Bonfire Meetup NYC
The Braze Community and Learning teams are bringing together local NYC marketers for an evening of networking on March 26. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to explore our HQ and connect with other Braze platform users over light bites and drinks. Date: Wednesday, March 26 Time: 4-6 pm Location: Braze HQ Office 63 Madison Avenue Floor 13 New York, NY Whether you’re the only Braze user at your company or on a team that’s been using Braze for years, we’d love to have you! Come meet other marketers from a variety of industries, share strategies, and get inspired. Registration will be on a first come, first served basis. RSVP here.11Views0likes0CommentsBraze Learning 日本語訳 - Set Up a New Feature Flag
新しい機能フラグを設定する ユーザーに対して機能フラグを有効にするには、以下3つの方法があります。 Feature Flagを直接制御する(ロールアウト / カナリヤリリース) キャンペーンでA/Bテストを実施する キャンバスで制御・A/Bテストする Feature Flagを直接制御する(ロールアウト / カナリヤリリース) ターゲット ユーザーを指定し、ロールアウト トラフィック スライダーを使用して、新しい機能を受け取るターゲット ユーザー ベースのランダムな割合を定義します。 この方法は、時間をかけて徐々に多くのユーザーに新機能をロールアウトし、問題が見つかった場合に簡単にロールバックすることで、新機能のバグをテストする場合に適しています。 [Messaging] > [Feature Flag] で、機能フラグのロールアウトを設定できます。 キャンペーンでA/Bテストを実施する キャンペーンのFeature Flag Experimentを使用して、新しい機能に対して A/B テストを実行します。 この方法は、新しい機能がコンバージョン率にプラスまたはマイナスの影響を与えるかどうか、またはどのFeature Flag プロパティのセットが最も最適であるかを判断するのに役立ちます。 この方法を使用するには、開発者チームと協力してインプレッションを記録し、ユーザーがいつ新しい機能を操作したかを追跡する必要があります。 新しいキャンペーンを作成し、[Feature Flag Experiment] を選択することで、Feature Flag Experimentを設定できます。 キャンバスで制御・A/Bテストする Canvas を使用して、機能リリースとクロスチャネル メッセージングの取り組みを調整します。ユーザーがユーザー ジャーニー中に実行したアクションに基づいて機能フラグの対象となることを許可し、機能のエンゲージメントを深めるためにメッセージをフォローアップします。 Canvas で実験パスを使用して、機能のメッセージまたはカスタム プロパティのさまざまな組み合わせを A/B テストします。 機能フラグ コンポーネントを使用して、任意の Canvas ジャーニーで機能フラグを有効にします 新しい機能フラグを作成する ユーザーに対して機能フラグを有効にするために使用する方法を決定したら、次のステップは Braze ダッシュボードで新しい機能フラグを作成することです。新しい機能フラグを作成するには、[メッセージング] > [機能フラグ] に移動し、[機能フラグの作成] をクリックします。新しい機能フラグの設定の詳細については、下の画像のホットスポットをクリックしてください。 ①名前 機能フラグの目的をチームに伝える、わかりやすいタイトルを選択してください。 ②ID これは、開発者のコードで参照される機能フラグの名前です。 ID は作成後に変更できないため、このフィールドに情報を入力する前に開発者に問い合わせてください。 チームでは、機能フラグを有効にすることで何が行われるかを明確にするために、このフィールドに {verb}_{product}_{feature} という命名規則を使用するのが一般的です。 ③プロパティ Feature Flagの呼び出し時に任意のプロパティ(Key Value Pair)を定義することができます。 キャンペーンのフィーチャーフラグ実験やキャンバスでプロパティを設定するとここで指定したデフォルト値は上書きされます。(ここで設定されたプロパティは反映されません。) ④ターゲティング セグメントやオーディエンス フィルターを使用して、どのユーザーが機能の対象となるかを定義します。キャンペーンのフィーチャーフラグ実験やキャンバスでターゲットを設定するとここで指定した値は上書きされます。(ここで設定されたターゲットは反映されません。) ⑤ロールアウトトラフィック ロールアウト スライダーは、対象となるユーザーの何パーセントがアプリで機能を有効にするかを決定します。新しい機能を公開する準備が整うまで、ロールアウト トラフィックを 0% に設定したままにしておきます。いつでもこのページに戻って、機能のロールアウト トラフィックを増減できます。 キャンペーンのフィーチャーフラグ実験やキャンバスで利用する場合は、ロールアウトの割合は常に 0% に保つ必要があります。 ⑥コードサンプル 開発者チームにここで、アプリケーションの機能フラグの統合を開始するために使用できるサンプル コードを案内してください。 機能フラグの使用例 使用例 1: 動的なホームページ バナーを実装する 課題 QSR ブランドの Sandwichemperor は、地元のスポーツ団体と提携しています。試合日には、試合日のセールを宣伝するために、そのエリア内のユーザー向けに Web サイトのホームページのエクスペリエンスを更新する方法が必要です。 解決策 Sandwichemperor は、Braze 機能フラグを使用して、ローカル ユーザーのみが閲覧できるバナーをホームページにすばやく追加したり、バナーの内容をその日の試合に関連するものに変更したりできます。彼らは、特定のバナー コピーがより多くのエンゲージメントを促進するかどうかをテストするために、機能フラグの実験を実行します。 実装手順 ステップ 1: 機能フラグを設定する 新しい機能フラグの設定で、チームはホームページのバナー コピーのプロパティを定義し、その日の試合に固有の詳細を交換できます。 キャンペーンのフィーチャーフラグ実験を利用するため、ロールアウトの割合は 0% に設定されたままにします。 ステップ 2: 実験キャンペーンを作成する 2 つのバリエーションを使用して機能フラグの実験を作成します。 各バリアントでは、banner_textのカスタム プロパティをオーバーライドして、2つの異なるバージョンをテストします。 ステップ 3: 適切な視聴者をターゲットにする 実験の対象は、ローカル ゲームと同じ地域に住むユーザーのみとなります。 ステップ 4: 結果を分析する キャンペーン分析を使用して、チームはフィーチャー フラグのインプレッションを分析し、どのバリアントが最も高いバナー エンゲージメントをもたらしたかを判断します。 使用例 2: Gate プレミアム アプリの機能 課題 衣料品小売サービスである Flash & Thread には、ベーシック ユーザーとプレミアム ユーザーによる段階的なメンバーシップ システムがあります。プレミアム メンバーだけがアクセスできる衣装スタイリングのチュートリアル機能を有効にする方法が必要です。また、機能のエンゲージメントを促進するメッセージングと連携して、新しい加入者をプレミアム アプリの機能にオンボーディングする方法も必要です。 解決策 チームは、キャンバスの機能フラグを使用して、新規加入者にプレミアム機能へのアクセスを許可し、この新しい機能を使ってもらうためのクロスチャネル メッセージングを実施します。 実装手順 ステップ 1: 機能フラグを設定する 開発者チームは協力して、アプリケーション コードに一致する機能フラグのIDを設定します。 キャンバスでFeature Flagを利用するため、ロールアウト パーセンテージが 0% に設定されたままになるようにします。 ステップ 2: オンボーディング キャンバスを作成する (エントリ ウィザード) Canvasのエントリ設定で、ユーザーがプレミアム メンバーシップに登録するとジャーニーに参加できるようにジャーニーを構成します。 ステップ 3: キャンバスの旅を構築する まずは、Feature Flagの機能を有効にするFeature Flagコンポーネントを設定します。 その後、ユーザーにプレミアム機能を紹介するためのアプリ内メッセージを連結させます。 ステップ 4: 機能のエンゲージメントを高める アクション パスを使用して、ユーザーが数日間の間に、該当機能を利用したかどうかを追跡します。 また、該当機能を利用していないユーザーにはContent Cardsでフォローアップします。 ユースケース 3: 新しいアプリ機能を展開する 課題 旅行予約サービスの UponVoyage は、ロイヤルティ メンバー向けに新しい期間限定プレゼント機能を導入したいと考えています。開発者チームはこの機能を構築しましたが、その機能にバグがないかテストする方法と、ロイヤルティ メンバーのみがアプリケーションでその機能にアクセスできるように機能を制限する方法が必要です。 解決策 機能フラグを使用すると、少数のロイヤルティ メンバーに新機能を展開し、機能のバグをテストできます。機能のパフォーマンスに自信を持ったら、ロイヤルティ メンバー ベース全体に機能へのアクセスを簡単に許可できます。 実装手順 ステップ 1: 機能フラグを設定する Feature Flag ID を設定するだけでなく、機能の外観とコピーを制御するカスタム プロパティを設定して、後で機能の外観を簡単に変更できるようにします。 ステップ 2: 適切な視聴者をターゲットにする 機能ロールアウトの対象となるユーザーとしてロイヤルティ メンバー セグメントを選択します。 ステップ 3: ロールアウト トラフィックを調整する チームがユーザーベースで機能のテストを開始する準備ができたら、ロールアウト スライダーを小さいパーセンテージに設定してロールアウトを開始します。 ステップ 4: パフォーマンスを監視する 初期ロールアウト中に機能のパフォーマンスにバグがないか監視します。新機能が期待どおりに機能していると確信したら、チームは Braze ダッシュボードに戻り、ロールアウトの割合を増やしてロイヤルティ メンバー ベース全体に機能を完全にリリースします。 参考資料 Braze Learning Set Up a New Feature Flag the Date - Ask Me Anything: Exploring the 2025 Customer Engagement Review
The next Ask Me Anything will be about exploring the 2025 Customer Engagement Review. Save the date for Thursday, March 13 at 12pm ET. More details to come next week. How it will work This event takes place entirely in the Ask Me Anything board on Bonfire, and does not have a virtual video component. Make sure you've joined Bonfire and confirmed your email. Make sure you're following the AMA board so that you get notified of new discussions and replies. Starting the day before the event, you can post questions for the AMA hosts. Please start a new discussion for each new question. The AMA hosts will be answering questions live in the thread during the time of the event. You can reply in-thread, too!9Views0likes0CommentsAsk Me Anything: Maximize Your Messaging Using WhatsApp
What’s up with WhatsApp? Find out on February 13 at 9am PT/12pm ET during an Ask Me Anything with Senior Product Marketing Manager, Lexie Haggerty at Braze. Braze research found that 47% of marketers are using or plan to use WhatsApp to engage their customer – outpacing even traditional channels like email. This AMA is open to all your WhatsApp inquiries, whether you’re a seasoned user or just curious about the channel. Ask Lexie about... The new use cases unlocked by WhatsApp Tips for integrating WhatsApp into your customer engagement strategy Potential future developments for the WhatsApp channel And more! How it will work This event takes place entirely in the Ask Me Anything on Bonfire, and does not have a virtual video component. Make sure you've joined Bonfire and confirmed your email. Make sure you're following the AMA board so that you get notified of new discussions and replies. Starting the day before the event, you can post questions for the AMA hosts. Please start a new discussion for each new question. The AMA hosts will be answering questions live in the thread during the time of the event. You can reply in-thread, too! Time for new questions will end at the time the event ends.919Views2likes4CommentsSuper Bowl LIX Ads: Are They Even Ads Anymore?
Ah, Super Bowl Sunday—the one night a year where people pretend to care about commercials. Brands drop millions for 30 seconds of attention, and in return, we get a mix of celebrity cameos, nostalgia bait, and the occasional heartwarming moment that makes us forget we’re being sold something. But let’s be real: Are these even ads anymore, or just really expensive short films with logos at the end? The Same Playbook, Every Year This year’s lineup? Some hits, some flops, and a whole lot of déjà vu. Budweiser gave us another sentimental Clydesdale story. Michelob Ultra made pickleball look cooler than it is. Google Pixel went for the heartfelt tech angle. Meanwhile, Coffee Mate traumatized us with dancing tongues. And of course, celebrities everywhere—Martha Stewart, Matthew McConaughey, Brad Pitt. Half these ads could swap logos and you’d never notice. Are These Ads Even Selling Anything? Think about the last Super Bowl ad that actually made you want to buy something. Hard, right? That’s because these commercials aren’t about selling anymore—they’re about entertainment. We remember the moment, not the message. If your $7 million ad doesn’t make people remember your brand, what’s the point? Is a Super Bowl Ad Even Worth It? For the cost of one Super Bowl spot, brands could run months of digital campaigns with actual data on whether people engage or buy. Instead, they burn cash on a one-time spectacle and hope it “goes viral.” At this point, Super Bowl ads aren’t really about ROI. They’re a status symbol. A victory lap for brands that can afford to flex.January 2025: Introduction to SQL in Braze
Hey folks, In place of a live session this month, we have recorded an interactive session - Introduction to SQL in Braze. Have you ever wondered about how you can use SQL in Braze to enhance your segmentation and user targeting, as well as your message engagement analytics? Platform CSMs, Alex and Octavian have got you covered! In this quick yet comprehensive video, they present applications for SQL in Braze, go over basic and advanced SQL concepts and look at a direct use case you can apply in your own Braze instance. You’ll likely find this session to be useful if you are in the early stages of using SQL both generally and in Braze and you wish to understand more about the applications of its use in some of our features such as Query Builder or Segment Extensions. If you’re already an SQL whizz, you might find the content more elementary. The session is structured as follows: Intro to SQL as a database query language Basic SQL concepts General applications of SQL in Braze The 2 types of SQL Segment Extensions Advanced SQL topics Real Query Builder SQL use case The session is under 15 minutes long and can be viewed here. You can also take a look at the slides here which include additional resources on SQL. All of the best, Small But Mighty Team49Views2likes1CommentFrom Skeptic to Believer: Crossing the Crypto Barrier in 2025
Last week, Motley Fool published the results of its 2025 Cryptocurrency Investor Trends Survey. The survey of 2,000 U.S based respondents provides a sense of what the outlook on crypto is heading into 2025. Within this investing focused population, sentiment on the industry is mixed. While 50% think the market will perform positively in 2025 due to the new administration, only 42% said they're likely to buy cryptocurrency this year, in line with last year's findings during a less bullish environment. Additionally, making that first purchase into crypto may take some convincing as 84% of respondents who have never owned it said they're unlikely to buy it this year. As for why they're not purchasing crypto, 31% of respondents cited security concerns, but the most cited answers were not knowing what to do with it (36%) and not understanding how to buy it (33%). So why does this matter? Well as the survey shows, it's clear there is still a lot of confusion and uncertainty around the crypto Industry even from people who are interested in investing. If you overlay this with concerns of trust in the broader Financial Services Industry where 50% of consumers cite trustworthiness as the most important factor in choosing a bank - crypto brands are going to have to work that much harder to build trust and engage a population of users who may be struggling to get past the clear barrier of entry into this space. Creating an engaging welcome experience while tailoring messaging to user preferences, whether it's education, or additional product offerings is critical for crypto brands. While this may require multiple layers of segmentation and personalization the juice seems to be worth the squeeze. As the article highlights, once people adopt crypto they tend to continue to purchase more and are open to additional products and services. 66% of those surveyed who already own crypto said they're very likely to buy more in the coming year, while 86% of that same population would consider using a credit card with crypto rewards. Whether you're bullish or bearish on crypto, 2025 promises to be potentially the biggest year for the industry yet.2024 Financial Services Marketing Trends to Watch
3 MIN READ Financial services brands are making gains in employing marketing best practices to achieve impressive results. They’re leveraging advanced segmentation, using zero-party and first-party data for campaign planning, and, more than any other sector, they regularly collaborate across the organization on customer engagement initiatives. Here are a few of the top 2024 financial services marketing trends that surfaced from our fourth-annual Global Customer Engagement Review (CER). Let’s dive into the findings and review how FinServ marketers can get and stay ahead. The Top 5 Key Trends for Financial Services Marketers Financial services organizations need the right tools and skills to better leverage data for customer engagement. Financial services companies stand to benefit from sharing key marketing priorities with data scientists and business intelligence (BI) teams, as they’re in the best position to help marketers apply data for more effective customer engagement. At the same time, it’s important to upskill marketers so they can work more independently without having to rely on outside teams. Equipping marketers with tools capable of automating data analysis and the next best action helps close these skill and knowledge gaps across the organization. 2. Leveraging the right channels can help FinServ brands drive session engagement and retention. Braze data reveals that marketers using out-of-product channels like email and push notifications can see major uplift in session engagement and retention. Cross-channel campaigns that leverage multiple in-product and out-of-product channels are also highly effective for engaging and retaining FinServ customers. 3. Lacking the technology to bring their team’s ideas to life is the #1 challenge for FinServ marketers looking to be more creative and strategic. More than four in ten FinServ marketers say their current toolset stands in the way of executing creative ideas. Other top roadblocks include a focus on KPIs over creativity and an inability to demonstrate the ROI of creativity. 4. Financial services organizations are leading the way when it comes to dynamic, data-driven segmentation. Historically, financial service organizations haven’t led the way in customer engagement, but that’s changing. The industry is putting stronger strategies in place this year—and beyond. From a technology perspective, financial services brands excel at customer segmentation, particularly at leveraging real-time segmentation based on up-to-the-moment information about customer behavior, interests, transactions, and interactions—38% of surveyed marketers in this sector are operating at the top level for segmentation, a higher share than any other vertical. FinServ companies are also at the forefront of utilizing various data sources to strategize future campaigns. Marketers in this industry lead all other sectors by 13 percentage points when it comes to using zero- and first-party data for campaign planning. 5. Despite skepticism, there are big opportunities for FinServ brands to use AI. Our research shows that 25% of marketing executives in the FinServ industry have an unfavorable view of AI, making this sector less receptive to AI compared to most others. However, to stay competitive and innovative, many FinServ brands are still looking to invest in AI technologies. These brands are increasingly planning to use AI for real-time optimization, data insights, and creative ideation, recognizing the potential of these capabilities to enhance customer engagement and operational efficiency in a rapidly evolving market. Final Thoughts FinServ companies recognize the importance of customer engagement, to the tune of tremendous growth over the past year. Going forward, marketers must prioritize technology that provides deep insight and enables goals for personalization and cultivating deeper customer relationships. Want to learn about how FinServ brands can leverage customer engagement to drive success? Check out our Financial Services Mini-Guide for actionable strategies to drive growth. About the Study These findings are part of our broader fourth-annual Global Customer Engagement Report, which draws on the following sources: Market research featuring 1,900 VP+ marketing decision-makers across 14 countries in three global regions. An analysis of Braze proprietary data, including 9 billion global users and nearly 1,000 Braze customers in 50+ countries, via our leading customer engagement platform. In-depth interviews with marketing leaders from best-in-class brands in five industries across three regions.26Views1like0CommentsHow Samsung Wallet, Panera, and BET+ Use Experimentation to Optimize Engagement
4 MIN READ Marketing experimentation transforms uncertainty into clarity, allowing brands to ask questions, try new approaches, test hypotheses, and let data drive their decisions. At Forge 2024, we sat down with three industry leaders, Catherine Thacker from Panera, Angela Onwuka from BET+, and Peter Isaacson from Samsung Wallet, to discuss how experimentation fuels engagement and conversion. During the session, the speakers emphasize that curiosity, combined with the right tools, can make experimentation more effective. They reveal that testing isn’t just a strategy; it’s a necessity for understanding what resonates with your audience. Join us as we explore their proven approaches to marketing experimentation and discover how you can implement these strategies to optimize your customer engagement efforts. Our Hypothesis: Experimentation Drives Higher Engagement OK, so it isn’t so much a hypothesis as a proven fact: Marketing experimentation drives higher engagement. “We are constantly testing and evolving, enhancing our engagement from marketing, lifting MAUs, sessions, and stickiness significantly”, says Peter. “If you aren’t testing then that’s a missed opportunity,” Angela adds. “Testing and optimization are important because they let you understand what resonates with your audience. This helps you get the most out of each touchpoint with your customers and prospects.” Catherine Thacker agrees, commenting that “without testing, you don’t know that you’re landing the right message with the right audience in the right place at the right time.” And that knowledge drives results. Getting Started: “Test Anything” Say Experts One barrier to experimentation is overwhelm. Marketing experimentation can cover anything from copy and creative, to cadence and messaging. How do you choose what to test? “Test anything,” encourages Peter. “Copy, button color, a new subject line… You will start to learn so much about your users in a way that surveys or static data can’t show you.” Peter suggests using customer research as a launchpad. “Customer insights are a critical testing input. Conduct customer insight surveys. Is the messaging unclear? Should the offer be richer? The survey responses will provide insights to inform your tests.” But how can you make sure you get your marketing experiments right the first time? Our experts give you permission not to. “Don’t let perfection stand in the way of progress’ says Catherine. ‘Just because you can’t design the most ideal test for your scenario shouldn’t stop you from trying things in small increments. They’ll start adding up to bigger outcomes and impact. Start with what’s doable, what’s going to easily build that muscle, and demonstrate that it’s a worthwhile practice.” Moving Forward: Be Strategic As you grow in confidence and your culture of experimentation matures, how do you stay focused on the experiments that move the needle most for your business? And ensure your data is undeniable? Processes, prioritization, and measurement are key. “There have to be processes by which you intake, prioritize, and execute the tests,” advises Catherine. “Aligning on measurement and methodology is important to ensure that when you report results, there’s credibility there.” Angela recommends a “testing roadmap” to prioritize your tests and “understand the full scope of requirements to go live” so that you can align your resources such as your data team and your creatives to execute successfully. Peter agrees saying “You need to be clear about what you’re optimizing with your test plan” before reiterating the importance of having the right people in place. “You need the right team around you to support all that’s needed to plan and execute tests. You’ll need product and engineering teams; a designer or agency to develop creative iterations quickly; and someone to write the copy and plan the tests.” Future Trends: AI Advances With all the buzz around generative AI for copywriting, you may be surprised to hear someone advocating for old-fashioned human writers. While all of our experts are using Artificial Intelligence to enhance their productivity and results, they’re balancing that with human creativity. “Gen AI content is something we’re still playing around with but seeing good results. When we’re running Gen AI subject lines at scale in a campaign, we consistently see 15% lifts in open rate and a lift in conversion rate,” says Catherine. However, they’re still experimenting to achieve their desired brand voice with AI. Peter concurs that AI is advancing for copywriting but isn’t their go-to yet. “It’s always interesting to see what copy AI recommends but I still view it as a companion versus a necessary tool. I think, as AI develops, this will change and that could be very soon.” However, when it comes to other uses of AI, past generative copywriting, such as analytics and intelligent timing, our experts are delighted. “It’s extremely effective for running personalization at scale,” says Catherine. “You can set parameters like spend and profitability and starting audience, and it will continuously learn what offers and stimuli individuals respond to.” Looking to the future, Angela believes AI will “begin to play a larger role in A/B testing predictions for marketers” and “deliver statistically significant test results more quickly”. This is exciting stuff and as we always say, there’s never been a better time to be a better marketer. Learn More This is just the tip of the advice iceberg. To learn more about experimentation, like the difference between tactical and strategic tests, when to use multivariate experiments, and how to integrate Braze and other tools into your tech stack, check out Forge on demand17Views1like0CommentsCreative Spotlight: Shake Shack's Congestion Pricing Campaign 🍔
Spotted in my email inbox: Welcome to the first edition of our Creative Collective spotlight! This space is dedicated to showcasing innovative campaigns that redefine customer engagement, and we're excited to kick things off with a look at Shake Shack's recent Congestion Pricing campaign. In response to New Yorkers grappling with the challenges of congestion pricing, Shake Shack launched a clever initiative that resonates with the local community. The campaign features a $9 Combo meal deal, perfectly mirroring the new toll price, which includes a delicious ShackBurger and fries. What makes this campaign particularly creative is its real-time execution and use of geo-segmentation. By targeting customers in areas affected by congestion pricing, Shake Shack effectively drives engagement and encourages high-value actions—specifically, placing orders through their kiosks or mobile app. This approach enhances the customer experience and fosters a sense of connection between the brand and its patrons. 🗣️Now, we want to hear from you! Share your spotted creative campaigns this month and let’s inspire each other with fresh ideas.