Forum Discussion

mitt_coats's avatar
Active Member
9 months ago

Home Dashboard - User Count

I'm on the home dashboard and seeing a data discrepancy. I expect the total number of users to be 180k.

Does anyone know why "Users" is not the sum of iOS users and Web Users? 

  • Hi mitt_coats , you probably have a bunch of test users or other anonymous users that could contribute to that much higher number. The 679k "Users" number is the total number of user profiles in your dashboard. 

    You might be able to look for users who "does not have app ios and does not have app web" and that might give you the discrepancy users. 

  • DavidO's avatar
    Strategist II

    Just looking at our dashboard we have quite a substantial increase over the expected as well so I would be banking on Allan's theory.