Forum Discussion

MieneVdb's avatar
Active Member
5 months ago

Liquid Countdown App Push


I would like to implement Liquid to count down the days, hours and minutes before a specific sale ends. Because our rate at which the campaign can be sent is limited to 2,500 per minute, not all customers will receive this message at the same time (It usually takes +-3 hours).

Will the time left before the sale ends be updated for every 'batch' of customers that receives this message? 

Thanks for helping me out!

Kind regards,




  • MieneVdb I believe the personalization of the messages like Email, SMS and Push happens first and then the audience and content is passed on to a MTA to deploy in batches.
    If we use the liquid with now then the start date will be same for all the customers who will receive the message.

    I would suggest using Moveable Link to add countdown to your push which will API calls for dynamic time for each user.

    More info is here:


  • DavidO's avatar
    Strategist II

    Hi MieneVdb 

    There are some great liquid use case examples of countdowns here for reference:
    Liquid Use Case Library (

    I'm tagging AllanHeo as he will likely have a better grip on this but if you are sending this as an email my guess is the liquid renders when you hit send, not when the message is actually sent, so there could be a difference in times. If you are assigning 'now' as the current time, I'd imagine it would work fine in a campaign in-app message that appears in real-time, it's email I'm unsure about.