Forum Discussion

chulbert's avatar
Active Member
11 months ago

Push Preferences

Does Braze offer a 1st-party solution to allow end users to selectively enable/disable push notifications by some kind of category?  For example, a user may want to opt out of marketing push notifications but still receive shopping cart reminders or new content notifications?

Or is there a recommended approach to delivering this kind of functionality to mobile users?

  • Stuart's avatar
    Practitioner III

    Hey chulbert,

    A Push token cant be used to opt users into some push campaigns, but opt them out of other push campaigns. 

    To do this, I would recommend surveying the opted in Push users, so you can determine what types of Push they wish to receive, and record this data in Custom Attributes.

    The Braze default In-App 'Simple Survey' template is easy to setup and will do most of this work for you (i.e. writing the custom attribute values). 



  • Hi Stuart 

    Thanks for the reply.  I had considered a solution like this, where we use custom attributes to identify the categories a user opts into; however, I felt this approach was too fragile and susceptible to human error.

    We would still need to build a screen in our settings section where a user could manage these choices at any time.  That, in turn, would require us to coordinate the set of categories across Braze and our own systems.

    Then when our company actually wanted to create a campaign we would have to remember to add this criteria to the target audience (shopping_cart.size > 0 AND wants_shopping_notifications = true).  This further conflates the audience with notification preferences.

    What I would really like is for Braze to support campaign categories and save/honor the matrix of opt-in settings for each communication type.  Then there's no chance of sending the wrong types of communication to people -- you'd just create a campaign that sends out notifications, emails, etc and Braze would exempt users based on their preferences.

    Or am I missing something?