Forum Discussion

AmaliaT's avatar
Active Member
24 days ago

Working with timezones

Hi there, 

I am looking to set up a campaign that be run manually daily day at around 8am-10am (depending on internal readiness). We want this campaign to be received in users local time zone at the same time. Eg. Campaign run at 8am Melbourne time and received in New York at 8am (14hours later) 

I have been looking at the recommended set up as per documentation (see below), however not sure if this would work for us. The reason for this is that we then want to a new version of this campaign the day after with updated content. Based on the below this may not work due to the 24hr of eligibility. 

 I also looked at the option of running this as canvas and create separate audience paths and delays. However, can't figure out the best way forward. 

Can someone please advise on the best way approach? 



  • TedScott's avatar
    Practitioner III

    Have you considered setting it up as a canvas (if you have both versions ready at setup).

    Have the canvas trigger setup to be time based and set to use local time, the first message step has no delay, then add the second message step with a 1 day delay.

  • I think using a canvas can easily solve this issue. Both in the entry criteria and the elements you use to build the journey within the canvas, you can flag the option that adjusts the sends to the user’s time zone, which is detected from their device. See more info here:

  • rayelkho's avatar
    Practitioner III

    AmaliaTI believe the best thing to do here is setup quiet hours for your campaigns. For example, no messages between 10 AM - 7:59 AM. That should do the trick. I'd recommend lorenzo's approach and a lot of testing