Forum Discussion

daveyps's avatar
Active Member
4 months ago

In App Message to Android only devices

Just looking for a bit of guidance on how to isolate an IAM send to Android only devices.  If a user was to have an Android phone & iPad tablet using the same user profile, how can I isolate the IAM send to only be viewed on the Android phone?  

All of the audience segmentation filters imply the IAM will fire on both devices?

  • pglnuglif's avatar
    Active Member II


    I am not sure if you are talking about In-App messages to native apps or In-App messages in a browser on a website.

    For Native Apps: 

    We constantly have to think about this problem because with have a website and 2 native apps that are both iOS and Android.

    Most of our campaigns are triggered by events and within our apps, we add all the necessary information as event properties (operating system name, application name, application version).  

    When In-App messages are triggered by our events, we know for sure that, at that exact moment, the user is using which app and on what operating system.


    As an alternative, if these are native apps, they are different apps since they are on different operating system.  Then you can configure 2 apps in Braze.  Your trigger can be when session starts on a specific Braze app.


    If you're talking about recognizing a browser running on Android vs iOS, that's generally a little tricky, but you can somewhat guess using the browser's user agent.  So again, if you trigger your campaign using an event, you could add the user agent string in the event properties and do your best in the campaign trigger to filter using Regular Expressions.  It would be better to use a library that parses the user agent string and send a more accurate event property.


    • pglnuglif's avatar
      Active Member II

      Also, I have heard (but not tested it) that within the message you can use Liquid logic to abort the message when the device is not on the operating system you are targeting.  I'm pretty confident that it would work and it is probably an easier solution to put in place.

  • eakinsey's avatar
    Community Manager

    To isolate an In-App Message (IAM) send to only Android devices, even if a user has multiple devices (e.g., an Android phone and an iPad) associated with the same user profile, you can use device-specific targeting within your campaign setup. Here’s how you can achieve this:

    Step-by-Step Guide

    1. Create a Segment for Android Devices:
      • Go to the Segments section in the Braze dashboard.
      • Create a new segment and add a filter to target only Android devices. You can do this by selecting the appropriate device attributes.
    2. Filter by Device Type:
      • In the segmentation filter, choose the attribute that specifies the device type. This is usually something like Device OS or Platform.
      • Set the filter to include only Android devices. For example, you might set Device OS to Android.
    3. Apply the Segment to Your IAM Campaign:
      • When setting up your IAM campaign, go to the audience targeting section.
      • Select the segment you created in the previous steps to ensure that only users with Android devices are targeted.


    Here’s an example of how you might set up the segment:

    1. Create Segment:
      • Segment Name: Android Devices
      • Filter: Device OS is Android
    2. Apply Segment to IAM Campaign:
      • Campaign Audience: Select the Android Devices segment.


    Detailed Steps

    Creating the Segment

    1. Navigate to Segments in the Braze dashboard.
    2. Click on Create Segment.
    3. Add a filter:
      • Attribute: Device OS
      • Condition: is
      • Value: Android
    4. Save the segment with a descriptive name like "Android Devices".

    Applying the Segment to IAM Campaign

    1. Navigate to Campaigns and create a new IAM campaign.
    2. In the audience targeting section, select the segment you created ("Android Devices").
    3. Complete the rest of your IAM setup and launch the campaign.

    Important Considerations:

    • Multiple Devices: If a user has multiple devices (e.g., an Android phone and an iPad), the IAM will only be sent to the devices that match the segment criteria (in this case, Android devices).
    • Real-Time Segmentation: Braze calculates segment membership in real-time just before sending the message, ensuring that only the devices that meet the criteria at the time of sending will receive the IAM.
    • pglnuglif's avatar
      Active Member II


      I do not agree with this solution.  The segment creates a pool of eligible profiles.  However when one profile has used 2 different devices (let's say, an iPhone and an Android Tablet), it will be part of the segment. 

      The in-app message will then be sent to both devices (depending on the triggers)

  • TedScott's avatar
    Practitioner III

    The most reliable way would be to have an event property in the triggering event which you would use to filter the trigger - This would apply to both Android SDK and web SDK events.