Forum Discussion

BenLerner-Paio's avatar
12 months ago

Braze How To's : Ideas welcome!

Hey everyone,

To keep it short, what do you think are some key features / scenarios that would be great for "How To" videos for Braze?   Was planning to start recording some,  but would love to get some more ideas from the community.   Here are a few ideas:

  • Liquid - what it is and a few use cases.
  • Promotion Codes - how to set them up and how they work.
  • Campaign / Canvas Analytics - understanding the screen and importance of conversion events.
  • Webhooks - Basic explanation and a complex use case for internal usage.
  • Content Blocks - Beyond the simple usage, creating complex logic.
  • Currents - Why it's so important & how to set them up.

Let me know what you think!

  • DavidO's avatar
    Strategist II

    Hey BenLerner-Paio 

    As someone whose been around the video content space for a while here are some tips on your question:

    - Break each of the those broad topics into short niched concepts
    - Filter Braze forums by most popular questions and see what people are actually asking
    - Use a tool such as YouTube Keyword Tool: Find YouTube Keyword Ideas for Free ( to see what terms users are actually searching on YT, Google and others
    - Find great videos on YT that are in a similar niche and see how you can add to those videos with your own unique angle or answer

    I really look forward to what you put out.😊

  • DavidO those are some great suggestions that I'll probably consider myself! 

    BenLerner-Paio  Hey Ben, nice to meet you! I'm pretty much working on the exact same thing. Would love to chat and collaborate, if possible!

  • BenLerner-Paio I am probably late to the party but let me know if you want to do a deep-dive into promotions, referral & loyalty use cases ðŸ˜‰ 

  • Appreciate the input DavidO.   Curious of any program / chrome extension you'd recommend?  I've been using Vidyard and Loom generally.