Forum Discussion

MaggieBrennan's avatar
Community Manager
2 years ago

Monetization Campaigns question for BIG AMA

One of the use cases in the Monetization Campaigns of the BIG covers Discount & Sale campaigns. Can you share some examples of successful Discount & Sale campaigns you’ve seen run by customers you work with?

  • We’ve seen great success when brands gamify the discount/sale itself, such as creating a “spin the wheel” IAM to pick your discount %, sending an interactive email with trivia questions (guess the right answer to get a discount), match game to pick your discount % or sale item, etc. Rewarding users with a discount for their engagement has historically driven substantial ROI for brands while also promoting loyalty.

    An additional example is when brands recommend specific items during a discount/sale (perhaps via a carousel using advanced features like Push Stories or Gmail Promotions). Specifically for Retail / eCommerce/ QSR, using that personalization to enhance the discount offering is a great way to maximize ROI while delivering a more 1:1 specialized customer experience. If you’re running a sale or discount on items that your customer has shown interest in (or purchased previously), call this out to them in the message itself! 

    And, as another way to uplevel your CRM, remove any friction in the path-to-purchase by using deep linking functionality to drive the user from the message to the item/offer itself in the app or website.