Forum Discussion

Tanita's avatar
Active Member
2 months ago

Segmentation of custom nested attributes by dates

Hi all,

I'm new around here, so apologies if this has been asked before. I couldn't find a post on it though so here we go:

I'm trying to set up a segment that'll show me users who have opened a specific campaign and then made a purchase within a specific timeframe.

We organized our purchase data in custom nested attributes.

So when trying to set up the segment, I use the "has opened email for campaign XYZ" filter, then insert my custom nested attribute purchase > purchase date > chose "after" from the time dropdown and then select a date from the calendar.

I'm wondering if "after" really does mean after (so excludes the date chosen from the calendar), or if it actually means on or after (so includes the date chosen from the calendar). The latter is what I want to achieve.

Grateful for any tips you may have!


  • TedScott's avatar
    Practitioner III

    It's after based on the time zone you have Braze configured for.

    To confirm for yourself do a sanity count by doing on or after and comparing to just after (make sure you click the calculate exact).