Forum Discussion

AllisonSanders's avatar
Active Member
12 days ago

Complex processing in Canvas vs Campaign


I wanted to see if anyone here may have some insight into a question I have. In researching Campaigns vs Canvas one of the distinction I found was in the optimization/throughput resources when sending large volume messages. Essentially, a Braze Campaign is beefed up for high performance sending. 

One question I have is if there is any difference between the resources needed for highly complex dynamic content, for example messages that use connected content, catalog item lookups and inserts, and product recommendations.  Is the Campaign engine better suited to process that level of complexity during the time of send, or is there no distinction between Canvas and Campaign.



  • TedScott's avatar
    Practitioner III

    Do you have a Braze reference to share about a throughput difference between canvas and campaign?

    In my experience, I have seen no difference in send rates via campaign vs canvas nor any detectable load from the level or number of options / personalization / steps* used in messages up to 5.5m in a single send (that's the largest send at one time which was attempted not a limit in Bbraze). 

    * If you are connecting to an API such as for connected content or event the braze API to make updates and they have a rate limit, are slow, or generate errors like 429's, that can slow things down but that applies to canvas and campaign.

    • rayelkho's avatar
      Practitioner III

      Hey AllisonSanders . The only thing I would say is more "complex" about canvas is that there is more data to update and write to tables in Currents vs a Campaign. For example, Canvas Entry table is not needed for Campaigns. 

      Other than that, I have run some extremely complex liquid with catalogs, connected content and conditonal logic. The only thing I can say on that is use case vs if is a little better. The other thing I ran into was when you have extremely high volume (1B+/dayy) and a lot of conditional logic, it could take more than a day to process (because of connected content rate limits) and that could cause some issues with frequency capping. This is not a canvas vs campaign problem per se but you wouldn't run into this problem because you'd need many campaigns to run at the same time vs 1 canvas, so it's easier to get there with a canvas. 

      Hope this helps!