Forum Discussion

AlokBhatt's avatar
Active Member
12 months ago

Frequency and Timing of Push for Hyper casual gaming sector

Hey Family! I would love to know the best practices and how to conclude the best  timing to send and how often these push should be sent ?

  • DavidO's avatar
    Strategist II

    Hey AlokBhatt and welcome.

    Are you able to define a little better what you mean by hyper casual? I'm assuming you may mean users who aren't frequent, or are frequent but only in short bursts?

    As someone who has strong ties with the gaming sector I can tell you one thing from our experience, dedicated gamers do not like to be experimented on and any messaging should not interrupt the flow of playing the game, including lobbies and login screens. You may notice there is also not a huge amount of push, email or IAMs for larger, more established games as they likely understand this already.

    Hyper casual gamers if I am reading this right may be less concerned as they may be playing free to play apps, or be used to advertising, but you are competing for attention here. If the push is to drive users back into your game, I would be looking at when that user is most likely to consider playing e.g. 5pm each day, and setting some timing around that, or using intelligent timing to send when they are most likely to interact with the messaging.