Google Tag Manager

Forum Discussion

Moranc's avatar
2 years ago

Custom code and canvas deployment

Will you add AI coding ability to create custom HTML templates or export Figma / Adobe files directly into code?


Will AI be able to deploy a canvas layout by prompt? or duplicate elements in the canvas by changing their name / settings

  • Thanks for your question! I’m the Product Manager for our Intelligence Team at Braze.

    We are currently evaluating the ability to create Canvases from prompts as well as the ability to create HTML from prompts. We are testing how well these capabilities can work and appreciate you asking about them! Stay tuned and keep an eye on the Product Roadmap accessible from the dashboard to see more as we learn more.


    As for converting Figma and adobe, are you asking if we would create a feature to convert that content into HTML?

    • Moranc's avatar

      Yes. many designers use Figma / Adobe so importing the designs directly into Braze can save a lot of time and other 3rd party email builders. the AI will need to understand which part is which (image, text, button) and know how to suggest responsiveness functionality 

      • borisrevechkis's avatar
        Braze Employee

        Thanks for clarifying. This isn't something we've looked at yet, however we appreciate you raising it! We will add it to the list of possibilities we will evaluate.