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Torchie Awards 2024 Form Submission Questions

MaggieBrennan's avatar
Community Manager
5 months ago

The Torchie Awards are back this year! We have seven customer awards and four partner awards up for grabs. See my original post listing the award categories and descriptions here

We know that filling out a form without seeing the questions ahead of time can be daunting. SO... check out the questions that will be part of each award below. Friendly reminder that you must submit via this link and you must send supporting assets, company logo, etc. to

Torchie Awards questions....

Bonfire Community Leader Award Questions: 
Tell us more about how this individual demonstrates a passion for the Bonfire community by asking questions, helping others, and showcasing how they’re using Braze. Please include at least two supporting bullets to demonstrate why you believe this individual is deserving of this award. Bonus points if you can point to specific examples within Bonfire (please link directly to the Forum posts).

Campaign of the Year Award Questions: 
1. What challenges and problems were you looking to solve with Braze? Provide as much background as you can, including the products, features, channels, and partners (if applicable) used. 

2. How did you solve these challenges or problems in Braze? Provide as much detail as you can on the step-by-step approach you took and the time it took to ideate, create, and launch the campaign. Please add screenshots/images from the platform (such as the Canvas that was used, if applicable) as well as example screenshots of the messages your customers received.

3. What were the results of the campaign? Please provide metrics beyond click-through and open rates; for instance, numbers related to ease of use, dollars/time saved, streamlined operations, fewer personnel required, increase in revenue, increase in purchases, increase in conversion, increase in retention, etc.

Collaborative Team of the Year Award Questions: 
Tell us more about how this team demonstrated excellence in breaking down silos within their organization and exhibits excellence in collaboration to achieve success. Please include at least two supporting bullets to demonstrate why you believe this team is deserving of this award. 

Creative Excellence Award Questions: 
1. What was the initial idea that sparked your campaign, and how did Braze help you turn that idea into a reality? Focus on the creative process and Braze's role in it.
2. How did your campaign use the Braze platform to go beyond traditional marketing approaches? Describe how your team used Braze features to create a unique customer experience. Be sure to highlight specific functionalities or tools that were key to your campaign's success.
Beyond the metrics, how has your campaign reshaped the way you think about engaging with your audience? Discuss the lasting effects of this campaign on your marketing strategy and customer relationships.
4. How has this experience with Braze inspired future campaigns? Share your vision for leveraging Braze's platform in continuing to push the boundaries of customer engagement.

Marketing Leader of the Year Award Questions
Tell us more about how this Marketing Leader demonstrated excellence in both leadership and customer engagement. Please include at least two supporting bullets to demonstrate why you believe this leader is deserving of this award.

Rising Marketing Star Award Questions: 
Tell us more about how this early career marketer is showing promise as they accelerate in their career. Please include at least two supporting bullets to demonstrate why you believe this individual is deserving of this award.

Social Impact Award Questions: 
1. Social Impact Vision: 
Briefly describe the social impact initiative your company undertook. What were the main objectives? How does your brand's mission align with the social impact initiative you undertook using Braze? Share your vision and the impact you aimed to achieve.
2. Challenges and Solutions: What specific social impact-related challenge were you addressing, and how did Braze help in devising a solution? Detail the steps from ideation to execution, including any unique strategies employed.
3. Innovation and Braze Usage:  
Describe how you innovatively used Braze technology to address your initiative's challenges. Which products, features, or channels were instrumental, and how did they enhance your project's effectiveness? What channels are you using? What Braze products and features are you using? What Braze Braze Alloys technology partners do you use and how do you use them? How did you execute this project in Braze? Provide as much detail as you can on the step-by-step approach you took (step 1, 2, 3). Please add screenshots/images from the platform, such as the Canvas associated with the program.  How long did it take to ideate/create/launch the campaign? Provide screenshots of the messages your customers received to with subject line Braze for Social Impact submission. 
4. Impact and results: Share the tangible outcomes of your campaign. Beyond traditional metrics (e.g., uplift in retention, time saved by applicable teams, etc.), how did your initiative benefit your community, and what measurable impact did it have?

Transformation Partner of the Year Award Questions:
Tell us more about how your organization has demonstrated excellence to drive a transformative change for a specific customer this year? Please include at least two supporting bullets to demonstrate why you believe this team is deserving of this award.

Partner Campaign of the Year Award Questions:
What was the customer challenge/brief/outcome that you were supporting the customer with?
2. How did you collaborate with the customer to define the approach/strategy/campaign?
3. Tell us more about what makes this campaign unique? Creative? Technology? Customer Experience?
4. What were the results of the campaign? Please provide metrics beyond click-through and open rates; for instance, numbers related to ease of use, dollars/time saved, streamlined operations, fewer personnel required, increase in revenue, increase in purchases, increase in conversion, increase in retention, etc.

Service Partner of the Year Award Questions: 
Tell us more about how your organization has demonstrated excellence to accelerate their Braze practice in the past year? Please include at least two supporting bullets to demonstrate why you believe this team is deserving of this award. Please include the key outcomes/KPIs that evidence the success of this.

Technology Partner of the Year Award Questions: 
Tell us more about how your organization has demonstrated excellence to accelerate their Braze practice in the past year? Please include at least two supporting bullets to demonstrate why you believe this team is deserving of this award. Please include the key outcomes/KPIs that evidence the success of this.


Published 5 months ago
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